HOTel lipa

Green Key program

As a small accommodation establishment, Hotel Lipa is included in the Green Key program with a certificate, which represents the standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation in the tourism industry.

We are aware of how important it is to preserve our environment, how dependent we are on nature and its gifts, which we accept with the gratitude and care of a good master. We try to think and act green in everything we do, so we act in accordance with the environmental policy with which we committed ourselves to sustainable and environmentally friendly development.

In order to fulfill this commitment, we undertook the following:

  • care for the environment included in all activities and activities,
  • took care of the efficient use of water, energy, basic raw materials and other resources,
  • use the best available techniques and other measures to prevent or reduce impacts on the
    environment as much as possible,
  • regularly monitor environmental impacts,
  • increasing their awareness of environmental protection through education and training of
  • inform employees and other interested parties about the status and achievements in
    environmental management,
  • consistently ensure compliance with legal and other requirements,
  • influenced the responsible attitude towards the environment among our guests and suppliers,
  • improved the state of the environment by systematically setting environmental goals and programs
  • spread environmental policy commitments among employees and guests.


We have combined our efforts to maintain a clean environment and reduce the impact of our activities on the environment into a comprehensive environmental management system. The environmental management system includes targeted management of the environmental impacts of tourism and catering activities with the aim of reducing negative impacts on the environment and enables the fulfillment of commitments defined by the environmental policy.

In the environmental policy, we have written down our commitments and principles relating to handling the environment. We are committed to continuous improvement of environmental management and pollution prevention, as well as compliance with environmental legal requirements. Environmental policy thus represents a framework for action and setting environmental goals, as well as a basic orientation towards sustainable management of the environment.

The successful and periodic implementation of sustainable and responsible management of the environment is reflected in the improvement of the general operation, and at the same time ensures the improvement of cost control, the increase of reputation and the improvement of relations with
guests, local suppliers and other local actors.

We invite you to be a part of this beautiful story of cooperation with nature!